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Sara & Sheena -2 Kennedy Sisters

Sara & Sheena -2 Kennedy Sisters

3359 days ago

Sara & Sheena scored this wine: 85/100

My Husband bought me a box of The Red for drinking over the holiday season. I found it to smell like cherries. On the palate I tasted ripe fruit especially tasting cherry. This wine is nice and sweet - I don't think this is a wine for someone who doesn't like a sweet wine. Sheena, who doesn't enjoy red wine, was surprised by the juicy flavor. She also thought it would be a great wine to use for a red sangria. ~Sara

3365 days ago

Sara & Sheena scored this wine: 89/100

My Husband and I tried this wine after dinner and really enjoyed it. We found that it was nice and fragrant with the sweet berries hitting the nose just right. On the palate it was a nice mix of raspberry, blackberry, and currant. We also felt that it had just a hint of chocolate. over all we really enjoyed this wine and will likely be drinking it again! Cheers, Sara

3378 days ago

Sara & Sheena scored this wine: 85/100

We are Bethany Frankel fans so we had to try out some of her wines. We have tried her Skinnygirl Margarita cocktail drink many times and the California Red was our first of her wines. We loved the aromas of Dark fruit - Cherries, blackberries. We found it to be an easy drinking wine, it was not overwhelming, with a nice touch of sweetness. Sheena felt the caramel flavour gave it a nice deep sweetness that she really enjoyed. You can watch us try this wine on our YouTube channel Gettin' Saucy

Bear Flag Soft White Wine Blend

Bear Flag Soft White Wine Blend

California, United States
3380 days ago

Sara & Sheena scored this wine: 89/100

We chose this wine because we loved the bottle. All we could smell was a sweet aroma. When we tasted the wine it was yummy, haha yes, that is how we described it. It was the perfect sweetness for us - but we do enjoy a sweet wine. It had notes of peach with light citrus undertones. We thought we should use it in a white sangria. We also reviewed it on our YouTube Channel - GettinSaucy

3380 days ago

Sara & Sheena scored this wine: 85/100

We picked up this bottle of wine because the label caught our eye and we are suckers for a fun label! We found that it had aromas of raspberry while Sara smelt vanilla and Sheena smelt medicine. We found it to be a full bodied wine with flavors of chocolate with a little tang. This was another red wine that Sheena, who is not a red wine lover, enjoyed. Check out our YouTube Channel to watch us try this wine!

Sara & Sheena -2 Kennedy Sisters

Wine BloggerVisit Sara & Sheena's Website
Winner World's Best Drink Writer
WFour-Time Winner James Beard Foundation
Five-Time Winner Association of Food Journalists
Six-Time Winner Bert Greene Award
Best Wine Literature Book Gourmand World Cookbook Awards
Online Writer of the Year Louis Roederer International Wine Writing Award