Best Cabernet Franc Wine
My reviews and ratings of Cabernet Franc wines are updated weekly. Cabernet Franc is a red wine that offers great taste at a good price: I list all of the best Cabernet Franc wines that I recommend, along with my tasting notes, scores, food pairings and recipe matches.
These are just a few of my Cabernet Franc reviews, but you get the full list of top Cabernet Franc wines when you sign-up for my web site (it's free). Start drinking the best Cabernet Franc tonight!
Niagara Peninsula, Ontario V.Q.A., Canada
Alcohol: 12.3% Sweetness: Extra Dry 750 ml Drink: 2014‐2017
Luscious Lamb Wine
LCBO: 64618 Check Stock
Similkameen Valley, British Columbia BC V.Q.A., Canada
Alcohol: 13.4% Sweetness: Extra Dry 750 ml Drink: 2018‐2021
BC: 694141 Check Stock
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