Wines Available in BC Liquor Stores with Stock Check

BC Liquor StoresDo you live in British Columbia or have wine-loving friends who do? We’ve just added several new features on our web site to make shopping easier in the province:

– Check how many bottles of each wine recommended on this site are in stock at each BC Liquor Store including both B.C. wines and those from around the world (click on the number of bottles under the picture of the wine bottle)

– See only BC-available wines first, not those that are available in Ontario but not BC

– If you add your postal code to your private account page, then you’ll see the stock for each wine in your five closest BC Liquor Stores

– Coming in the next week or so: upgraded iPhone app with bar code scanner that includes all BC Liquor product codes and wines

We’ll be rolling out the other provinces soon. Got suggestions on how to make the site or app better for in-province shopping? Let me know at [email protected].



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