7 Mouth-Watering Comfort Food and Wine Pairings

As the weather cools, we enjoy heartier dishes, including comfort food. But which wines should you pair with them? Here with her tips is Natalie MacLean who offers Canada’s most popular online wine classes at nataliemaclean.com.   First off, are there such things as comfort wines?   After much research on this topic, I concluded there were no “uncomfortable wines” since I found them all of great comfort. However, I found that certain wines tend to pair better with comfort food than others.   Great! Tell us about your first pairing.   Comfort food tends to have rich, robust flavours. […]

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Barbecue Wines for Father’s Day: Best Bottles for Grilled Grub

On CTV’s The Social, we chat about great wines for BBQ fare on Father’s Day. Nat, some dads are just not wine guys, they’re more beer guys. But are you saying these selections you’ve brought today can change that? It’s mostly a perception that wine is for fancier occasions than beer, but that’s just not true. Anytime you think of having a beer, you can probably substitute it with a bubbly. I’m not talking Champagne, but value-priced sparkling wines from other regions. They’re both frothy and fun, like our first wine here.   Great segue! Tell us about the first […]

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Canadian Wine and BBQ Food Pairings Video

Leanne and I chat about the great Canadian wines nominated to pair with grilled food in The Great Canadian Wine Match: BBQ Edition. Find out why  these wines are great matches for barbecued chicken, pork, beef, seafood, vegetables and dessert. The wines hail from all of Canada’s major wine producing wine regions, including: Okanagan Valley, BC Niagara, Pelee Island, Lake Erie and Prince Edward County in Ontario Eastern Townships in Quebec Annapolis Valley in Nova Scotia Just 4 days left to vote for your favourite Canadian wines! Hashtag #GCWM       Canadian Wine and BBQ Food Pairings Video   […]

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Zinfandel and Spicy Barbeque Sauce Make a Terrific Wine and Food Match

By Shari Goodman You can quickly make a complex and intense homemade barbecue sauce that sizzles. Simply blend all ingredients, then add smoke and meat, and you’ll have a license to grill. Sip some Zin with this ‘Que. Redemption Zinfandel 2007 ($21.95, LCBO) is peppery and full of blackberries worthy of tasting on its own, but it can easily battle it out with a steak. This bottle is from the Sonoma County in California where Zinfandels have a well-earned reputation. Barbeque is a summer ritual: gathering around the grill, catching up with friends and sipping something sippable. It’s quick, easy […]

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Lather some love on your BBQ meats

  Just because the summer’s over doesn’t mean that barbecue season has to be too. In fact, you can barbecue well through the fall and even in to the winter months if you’re ok with a few snowflakes accompanying the meal. And no matter what type of meat you’re grilling, barbecue sauce is simply a must, either as a marinade before cooking or on the side for dipping with the meal. And while store-bought sauces will often suffice, it won’t hold a candle to a homemade creation.While most store-bought barbecue sauces are made from a handful of the same ingredients, […]

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